A List of Helpful Commands for Doing Machine Learning in Python
These commands assume you are using the standard scikit-learn
, statsmodels
, and matplotlib
. If you do not use this ML pipeline, move on, stop reading now.
Cross-validation is a method used for splitting the training setup into test
and train
sets, and then training the algorithm on the training
set and evaluating the algorithm on the test
set. You do not need to divide these up manually, it can be done very easily with scikit-learn
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X,
It’s important to understand that train_test_split
does NOT preserve you percentage of samples for each class. If you want to perserve this (and if you have unbalanced classes, you most certainly do), use StratifiedKFold
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(X,
Scaling/Normalizing Features
If different columns values have different magnitudes, you are going to need to normalize your features
before you do any training. To do that, you can use scikit-learn
scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
X = scaler.fit_transform(X)
From the documentation, you
can read that StandardScaler
subtracts the mean and scales to unit variance.
Converting A Pandas Data Frame To Numpy Matrix For Scikit-Learn
Scikit-learn does not currently accept Panda’s Dataframes, but that is OK, because you can convert a dataframe into a numpy matrix easily enough with the following command:
X = df.as_matrix().astype(np.float)
Note this will only work if all of your data is boolean
+ numerical
(no text)
Dropping All Rows That Contain NAN in a Given Column
If a certain feature is required, you will need to drop any rows in your dataframe
that contain NaN
values for that feature. To do this, you can execute something simple
like the following
df = df[np.isfinite(df['FeatureColumn'])]
Dropping Useless Columns
Sometimes you have columns in your dataframe that you know are not useful for training a model, so drop them, in place:
df.drop(['UselessColumn1', 'UselessColumn2'], axis=1, inplace=True)
If you look at the columns in your dataframe, UselessColumn1
and UselessColumn2
should be gone.
Discretizing Columns In A Dataframe
Supervised learning algorithms usually like looking at numerical features, so if you need to convert a column that contains finite text classes (states, countries, etc.) to numbers, use scikit-learn:
In [72]:
0 KS
1 OH
2 NJ
3 OH
4 OK
5 AL
6 MA
7 MO
8 LA
9 WV
10 IN
11 RI
12 IA
13 MT
14 IA
And After:
from sklearn import preprocessing
label_encoder = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
df['State'] = label_encoder.fit_transform(df['State'])
In [74]:
0 16
1 35
2 31
3 35
4 36
5 1
6 19
7 24
8 18
9 49
10 15
11 39
12 12
13 26
14 12
3318 36
3319 50
3320 10
3321 46
3322 20
3323 15
3324 49
Boolean ANDs or ORs with two columns
Sometimes you want to filter a given set of rows in a dataframe by ANDing or ORing together two columns and take the result. This can be done like this
valid_columns = (df.Column1) | (df.Column2)
df_filtered = df[valid_columns,]
The parentheses are very important, otherwise pandas will complain.
plotting multiple columns in pandas via subplots
df1[["column1","column1","column1"]].plot(kind='hist',subplots=True, figsize=(12, 6),bins=100);